structured investment vehicle en chinois
- 结构性投资工具
- organization for the advancement of structured information standards: 结构信息标准促进组织...
- augmented satellite launch vehicle: 加強卫星运载火箭...
- combat vehicle 90: CV90装甲战斗车...
- crew return vehicle: 应急救生飞船...
- geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle: 地球同步卫星运载火箭...
- h-ii transfer vehicle: h-ii运载飞船...
- hypersonic technology vehicle 2: 高超音速技术载具2...
- joint light tactical vehicle: 联合轻型战术车...
- landing vehicle tracked: 履带登陆车...
- m88 recovery vehicle: M88装甲救济车...
- polar satellite launch vehicle: 极轨卫星运载火箭...
- tata daewoo commercial vehicle: 塔塔大宇商用车...
- vehicle assembly building: 航天器装配大楼...
- vehicle identification number: 车辆识別号码...
- abu dhabi investment authority: 阿布扎比投资局...